A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Ironically enough, the team began when a term teacher at our school mentioned the tourney to us, and that we should start a team. I say ironically because the guy who put that first foot forward to ice time in Halifax never played a single game with the rest of us because of other obligations and then a move elsewhere in Nova Scotia. Soon after we formed the core of the team, we realized we now needed an identity. One of the guys on the team, who wishes to remain anonymous, was complaining about how some of his students were "being bottleneckers" about getting their work done on time (I know, we all have perfect students), and the name, the Bottleneckers, was born. We have since added a few extra guys, and every one of us, to a man, looks forward to that one weekend in April where we can pause real life and just be a bunch of Bottleneckers.

Bill Cann